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Marmolada of the Dolomites, Trentino/Italy |
Anyway, I don't know how many Timorese have hiked this mountain (if ever) but I was very happy to be on top of Marmolada. Even though I didn't bring the Timor-Leste Flag, I actually did write a note to Timor-Leste on top of Marmolada. Check out the picture below!
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@ Marmolada, the highest peak of the Dolomites. |
Overall, I am learning a lot about the formation of the Dolomites but to summarize it, the supercontinent cycle initiates the unique formation of the Dolomites; the ice age cycle, especially the last ice age is the innovator that has changed the look of the Dolomites; and human together with the global climate change have their own interest that further alters the outlook of the Dolomites.
9 de Setembro
Tebes, tinan sanulu resin ida liu ba iha loron ida ne'e, terorista ataka, resulta oho ema no estraga sasan iha Nova Yorke, EUA. Iha loron ida ohin mos hau ho primera vez sae ba foho ida ne'ebe as liu foho dolomites sira seluk iha Italia. Foho ne'e naran Marmolada no lokaliza iha Rejiuan Trentino (Norte Italia, fronteira ho Austria). Nia as maka metru 3.343, se halo komparasaun, Ramelau nia as maka metru 2.986.
Hau la hatene los Timor oan nain hira mak sae ona ba foho tutun ne'e, maibe hau pessoalmente kontenti tebes sae to iha foho Marmolada ne'e. Maske hau la lori Bandera Timor-Leste nian, hau konsegue halo nota ida ba Timor iha foho Marmolada ne'e. Hein deit, depois mak hau update foto ne'ebe hau hasai iha foho ne'e. Ema husi nasaun barak mai sae ba foho tutun ne'e hanesan husi EUA, Alemanha, Austria, Switzerland, Japaun, etc. Ida ne'e halo hau senti orgulho liu tan atu halo estudu iha foho ne'e liliu bele representa Rai Timor iha foho ne'e.
Em jeral, hau aprende buat barak, geolojikamente, durante hau nia tempo iha foho Dolomites ne'e. Maibe iha mos situasaun no notisia sira ne'ebe halo hau nia laran taridu. Situsaun ida uluk mak hau labele skype ho Pai no Mae iha Timor tamba tempu fahe iha hau nia programa ida ne'e halo hau okupadu liu. Lor-loron, husi tuku 8 dader to tuku 5 loraik, hau passa tempu iha lapangan halo analiza geolojikamente ba formasaun fatuk no foho. Fila mai kemping fatin, isin kole par mate no dalaruma internet mos error tiha.
Iha parte notisia, hau rona husi hau nia kolega besik balun kona ba desafius ne'ebe sira hasoru. Hau nia kolega Indonesia ida agora dadauk iha dalan atu fila ba Lombok husi Connecticut tamba nia maun moras todan. Kolega seluk iha problema ho saude no universidade. Hau, husi parte seluk, iha mos desafius ituan atu adapta ho enviromentu ema no natureza nian. Maibe ida ne'e buat ida ne'ebe mak hau fiar hau sei bele domina ho tempu.
BEI OAN!!!! This is amazing! I'm so glad you are doing this! It is so great to hear about your personal adventure on this trip. You have such outstanding and beautiful pictures, too :) It definitely seems like you are having the time of your life. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteHi Shantel, thank you so much! really appreciate your support!
ReplyDeleteI hope, you too have a great time at Luther, it's you senior year! ;p