Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Coimbra: sidade estudante sira nian!

01. (TETUM)
Scroll down for English version

Segunda kalan, 17 Setembro 2012

A) Neto, Au, mana Dai (liman karuk) ho bolseiru nain haat (liman los).
Wainhira hau haris hotu iha kalan ne'e, Amaro (Caisiva) mos hahu tein kalan nian! Menu ba kalan ida ne'e mak manu lalar, pepinu no etu (tein ho azeite no lis mean). Han kalan ida ne'e mesak reseita Caisiva nian deit. Hau mos hakfodak tiha tamba uluk sei SMP, Caisiva mos termasuk nakar no hau fiar nia mos anak mami ida, hehehehe! Se mak hatene anak mami ida ne'e mos agora boot ona no tein perigu! 

Han tiha manu lalar ho etu azeiti ne'e, Izaura (hau nia kolega SD) mos hahu telefone Amaro. Izaura (aka Fred iha Coimbra) mos bolseira Timor ona ne'ebe eskola iha Universidade de Coimbra (UC), fakuldade de Ekonomia (se la sala). Nia kontaktu mai Caisiva tamba bolseiru foun Timor oan sira ne'ebe mak atu hahu eskola tinan ida ne'e iha Coimbra, hetan desafiu balun kona ba sira nia inskrisaun no residensia nian. Sira foin mai husi Aveiro no laiha fatin ba sira iha kalan ne'e atu toba hodi nune'e sira bele hahu inskrisaun iha loron tuir mai (Tersa, 18 Set 2012). Alin bolseiru ne'ebe atu hahu eskola tinan ida ne'e hamutuk nain 9. Se la sala numeru total estudante hamutuk 90 maibe nain 9 mak sei eskola iha UC no sira restu esplaha iha universidade seluk iha Portugal laran. 

Hau ladun lembra didiak, maibe ami rua Caisiva ba iha Mana Dai (?) ho nia kaben nia uma. Alin bolseiru sira reuni hamutuk hotu iha ne'eba. Diskuti naruk boot ida no ikus mai sira Fred no kolega sira hotu konsegues kontaktu maluk Timor oan iha Coimbra atu lori alin balun ba deskansa lai kalan ida ne'e iha sira nia apartementu tamba Mana Dai nia apartementu labele tampung hotu sira nain 9. Ho nune'e, hau ho Amaro lori  alin bolseiru nain rua. 

Antes de ami fila ba uma, hau, Amaro, Fred, ho alin bolseiru nain rua ne'e ba iha diskoteka ho naran GULA (haree imajen iha okos ne'e). To iha ne'eba, diskoteka nakonu. Book an ituan, hau mos desidi atu hola serveja ida lai atu hamanas isin lai. Fred sujere atu halo shot maibe hau viajem kuaze loron tomak no hau lakohi ulun moras istika fali hau iha loron tuir mai. Hehehehe :P 

B) Diskoteka Gula, Coimbra (Besik iha Praca da Republica)

Kuaze uma hora madrugada, ami mos desidi fila. Iha dalan ami hahu telefone ba Au. Nia simu duni telefone maibe nia dukur los tena no lian mos todan los. Ami nia hanoin atu ba visita nia iha madrugada ne'e maibe tan nia dukur tena, entaun ami mos desidi fila ba uma.

To iha uma, ami fahe fatin atu toba. Alin bolseiru rua toba iha kolsaun anin, Amaro toba iha Rai, no hau mak toba iha kama leten tamba hau mak bainaka foun! Hehehehe, diak nian, bainaka hetan tratamentu espesial! :P 

Sei kontinua fali.....

From left to right: Caisiva, Au and I

Bacalhau lunch, super delicious!

Au and I at a restaurant in Baixo (aka Downtown) 


Monday, Sept 17th 2012

It was around 8pm when I got to Amaro's apartment. Actually, let me first introduce who is Amaro (aka Caisiva). First of all, even back before I even exist, my father  has known Caisiva's mom and dad. And so, when I was in middle school, I then came to know Caisiva as we were in the same class. In other words, he was my middle school classmate for 3 years at Canossa High School back in East Timor 9 years ago. Indeed, It has been a long time. 

Besides Caisiva, I would also meet up with Aurisio (aka Au) and Izaura (aka Fred). Au and I went to Canossa high school together and again he was my classmate. Fred, on the other hand, was my primary school classmate. God, I can't believe I met all of them in one city and abroad! I think it's pretty amazing and unexpected! Anyway, I was super stoked to meet them indeed!

Ok, now let's get back to the apartment's part. So, once I got there, I took shower while Caisiva was preparing the dinner. Once I finished shower, I then helped him with dinner prep. The menu for the night were chicken bbq Timorese style, rice cooked with olive oil and red onion and cucumber salad. To be honest, the dinner was so delicious especially the rice and the bbq chicken. The cucumber salad was not as good as the chicken and rice because maybe I made it. :p

So, once we finished the dinner, we then went to meet up with Fred. She was actually busy figuring out places for new Timorese students to stay for the night. These new students are actually starting their first year at Coimbra University (UC). They just got to Coimbra from Aveiro where they had an intense 4 months preparatory course from June till August 2012. Anyway, a little about UC. This University is one of the oldest university that is still operating and it was built by Dom Dinis, king of Portugal, at around 1200. Man, I am just super excited that I have couple classmates studying at this University.

After meeting with Fred, we then headed to club. The club is called GULA (see picture B above)The club is located very close to Praca da Republica, in Coimbra. One fun fact about the club is that there is no entrance fee and so it's almost crowded for the fact that it offers good drinks with great prices + awesome Portuguese/English music. The party night time in Coimbra is on every Tuesday and Thursday nights. So, if you wanna have fun, go on these two nights.

After partying and having fun with my friends, we then decided to visit Au. It was 1am and Fred tried to call him. Unfortunately, he was already asleep. Fred said that from his heavy/tired voice, it was very obvious that he was already falling asleep for quite sometimes. Anyway, we then headed home and I had my first night sleep in Portugal. Hehehehe, it was a great sleep!

To be continued....

Additional gallery of a video and some pictures!
Orientation activity for Caloiros or freshman students at the University of Coimbra

Aurisio & Caisiva em Forum

Na Praça da República 

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