Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ku'u Kafe?

Olive picking @ Coldigioco 


While being very stressed out working on our final independent projects for this semester, we took a short break to do some olive picking at Coldigioco. Check out some pictures below. 
We also drove to Iesi, a nearby town, to compress our olives. It was all done by machines but we assisted how the whole process works. In the end, we obtained our "Extra-Virgin Olive Oil."
Very fresh and very delicious!
Josh & Lucano seemed to enjoy olive picking very much.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

¡22 anos de vida!


Celebramos el cumpleñaos de Jordan anoche aquí en Coldigioco. Nuestra TA, Kate hizo un pastel de 'berries' y estaba delicioso. Mientras, para la cena, tuvimos hamburgesas, papas al horno, vino y algunas copas de cócteles. La celebración se transladó desde la cena hasta el Pub donde todos bebimos, charlamos, jugamos cartas, futbolín, etc.
Fue una celebración familiar de ACM en Coldigioco.

Sandro serenaded Jordan with the Happy Birthday song.

el pastel de 'berries.'

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Science and Aesthetic

Pameran Karya Seni Akhir

Bahasa Indonesia

Hari ini, Sabtu 13 Oktober 2012 adalah hari dimana kami akan memamerkan hasil karya seni kami dalam bentuk Pameran. Acara ini akan berlansung pada pukul 6 petang waktu Itali. 
Pameran hasil karya seni kami ini merupakan tugas akhir kami dari kelas "Science and Aesthetic" dimana kami mempelajari teknik dasar dalam menggambar/melukis. 
Teknik-teknik tersebut termasuk memahami dan mengartikulasi warna yang digunakan dalam seni melukis, mampu menginterpretasi hasil lukisan para seniman, mempelajari teknik "shading" yang benar sehingga menghasilkan lukisan atau gambaran 3 dimensi yang hidup dan lain-lain. Disamping tekni-teknik tersebut, kami juga mencoba untuk mengkombinasikan atau menyatupadukan seni dan ilmu Geologi. Itu diwujudkan dalam bentuk peta-peta, stratigrafi batu dasar, sungai, peggunungan dan aspek-aspek geologi yang lainnya. 

Jadi, tema dasar untuk karya seni akhir kami ini harus berbasis pada apa yang telah kami pelajari baik dalam kelas seni tersebut maupun kelas geologi. Saya pribadi, mencoba mengkombinasikan tiga aspek kedalam karya seni saya. Topik yang saya fokuskan adalah "Zaman Es Terakhir" yang terjadi kira kira 15.000 - 10.000 tahun yang lalu, dikenal juga dengan jaman Pleistocene. Intinya, pada Zaman Es Terakhir tersebut, bumi kita mengalami pergatian suhu yang sangat drastis. Istilah yang dikenal untuk menjelaskan zaman ini adalah Glacial (akumulasi es) dan Interglacial (pencairan es). 
Secara singkat, es-es yang terakumulasi hampir di berbagai belahan bumi (zaman es/glacial) mulai mencair. Pencairan es-es tersebut mengakibatkan berbagai perubahan pada permukaan fisik bumi. Beberapa dari banyak perubahan yang dihasilkan adalah kenaikan permukaan laut, pembentukan fisik gunung yang menjadi lebih curam, pengangkutan materi atau batu-batu dari dataran tinggi (gunung) ke dataran rendah, dan lain-lain. Dari aspek yang terakhir (yaitu pengangkutan materi) juga akan menghasilkan lingkungan baru melalui endapan dan erosi yang dibawa oleh es yang meleleh tersebut. 

Jadi, kembali pada tiga aspek yang saya gunakan dalam karya seni saya adalah sebagai berikut: 
1. Seni lukis dan kerajinan tangan,
2. Pangan
3. Geologi

Untuk menghasilkan karya ini, intinya saya mengkombinasikan seni mengambar pada kertas dengan beberapa materi pangan (makanan) sepertu beras putih, biskuit berbentuk daun, kelapa dan kapas. Melalui bahan-bahan inilah saya mencoba mengkonstruksi dua gambar yang mewakili Glacial dan Interglacial. Dalam sebuah kertas kuning yang telah saya bagi menjadi dua sisi (kanan-kiri), saya menggambar satu buah gunung. Gunung pada sisi kiri menggambarkan rupa gunung pada zaman es (glacial) yang masih padat bersisi dan ditutupi oleh banyak salju dan es. Sedangkan gunung disisi kanan menggambarkan rupa fisik gunung yang telah berubah akibat pencairan es besar yang sangat hebat, sehingga mengukir/memahat gunung menjadi lebih curam dan tajam. (Lihat gambar dibawah ini). 
Karya seni saya. Ante (sebelum), Post (sesudah).
Demikian, saya harap anda dapat mengerti penjelasan saya!
Sampai disini dulu, jiga ada komentar, masukan atau koreksi, mohon tulis di segmen komen di bawah ini!  

Sayounara :P
(P.S Check out more pictures below)













Thursday, October 11, 2012

Vaticano, Fátima y Asís


Además de mis viajes académicos aquí en Europa (Italia y Croacia), yo también hizo algunos viajes o visitas importantes a los lugares sagrados para los cristianos. Mi primer viaje fui la visita a la Cuidad del Vaticano. Como todos sabemos, la Cuidad del Vaticano es la institución central para la Iglesia Católica, donde el Papa vive. Es también el lugar sagrado para los peregrinos Católicos de todas partes del mundo. Ellos vienen a visitar y rezar juntos con el Papa. Yo fue allí en mi segundo día en Roma (o en Italia en particular), y honestamente me sentí muy conmovido por muchos peregrinos y sus devociones, la Misa Tridentina y la Basílica de San Pedro. Me conmovió también el hecho de que tuve la oportunidad de visitar la sede episcopal de 1,2 mil millones de fieles católicos en todo el mundo.
En frente de la Basilica de San Pedro
Mi segundo viaje fue la visita al Santuario de Fátima, en la Cova da Iría, Fátima/Portugal. Tuve la suerte de rezar rosario con los otros fieles en la Capilla de las Apariciones que marca el sitio exacto donde estaba la encina sobre la cual los tres pastorcitos dicen haber visto Nuestra Señora. Después del rosario, tuve la misa en esta misma capilla. Me sentí bendecido de estar con la Virgen en el lugar donde se apareció a los tres pastorcitos.
Durante la misa, me sentí muy diferente. Mi mente empezó a conducirme en un pensamiento muy profundo sobre mis experiencias de vida hasta el punto en que me di cuenta de que soy nada y muy débil sin las intercesiones de Nuestra Señora a Dios. Me di cuenta de que Dios es mi fuerza. Mis lágrimas seguían cayendo por mis mejillas, pero al ver esto, una señora brasileña (creo) me ofreció un pañuelo para secarme las lágrimas. Mis lágrimas seguían cayendo hasta el fin de la misa. Nunca me había passado esto!
El Santuario de Fátima.
Mi tercer viaje fue la visita al Asís,  la ciudad en donde nació san Francisco y santa Clara, fundadores de la orden religiosa de los franciscanos y de las clarisas. A diferencia de mis dos visitas anteriores donde fui solo, en este viaje, fui con David y Hannah. La cuidad está situada en la cima de una colina. Desde la estación de tren, tomamos un viaje en autobús por 10 minutos a la cima de la colina. Luego caminamos hacia el centro de la ciudad, pasando a través de la zona residencial, edificios e iglesias. Fuimos a la iglesia de Santa Clara, donde Hannah me tomo una foto con la estatua de San Francisco. 
Luego, fuimos a la “Basílica Papal de San Francisco.” La basílica está formada por muchas capillas en tres pisos, incluyendo la tumba de San Francisco. Hubo algunos peregrinos de Brasil en la Basílica donde también tuvieron una misa en portugués en una de las capillas. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

ACM 2012 in Tie Dye Shirts

Back, left to right: Moxy, Neto, Sam, Phil, Jordan, Joe, Josh, and Anderson.
Middle, L to R: Laura, Rachel, Carly and Hannah.
Front, L to R: Lauren, Kate, Ellen, Pago and Sandro.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wine tasting class


Yes, we had our wine testing class last night! This wine tasting class is part of the "Soil, Terroir and Mediterranean Colonization" project I briefly discussed in my previous post, titled "Arcangelo Michele" (Saturday, September 29th, 2012).

Basically, for this soil project, we worked in two or three people per group. The two areas are the Jesi terroir and Metalica (see the map below). The main objective of this project is to identify types, characteristics and parent materials that made the soil and how the differences within these categories together with climate, topography, etc which in turn affect how the wines on both areas taste differently. So while travelling and collecting soil samples, we too, bought around 16 bottles of wines (two bottles per each kind) produced from the same vineyards where we collected the soil samples. And FYI, some of these wine are rated the best wines in Marche Region.
Metalica is right on the red A-mark.
Jesi is located in the north east of Metalica (or west of Ancona).
So what we learnt from our Sommelier (wine professional ) Alesandro are how to differentiate the color of the wine, how to taste the wine and being able to identify it's smoothness, sweetness and/or bitterness taste, how to shake and smell the wine and many more. Below are some pictures of the wines we had for the wine testing class.
Everyone hopes to get an A. lol ;)

First Sketch


Well, at this moment, I am working on ideas for my final art project for "Science and Aesthetic" class. The theme for the art piece that I have to produce is open or unrestrained but should be related to the geology aspect of what I have been learning here in Italy. Anyway, I do have the theme but will share it later.

For now, I would like to share one of my best sketch I did for this class. See the picture below!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Arcangelo Michele


Today is the day of Saint Michael, the Archangel. In fact, he is the patron saint of Coldigioco and therefore, it's a tradition in Coldigioco to celebrate its patron saint day with the Mass at a small chapel in Coldigioco.

It was simple but very meaningful! I enjoyed the Mass which was celebrated in both Italian and English plus the refreshment afterwards.

Earlier in the morning, we also started our new short project for this week which will also help us with our Croatia fieldtrip project (4th - 9th of October). The short project is titled "Soil, Terroir and Mediterranean Colonization." From the introduction we had today, basically this project will help us to understand how wine taste different among different places in Italy. It has to do with the soils formation which are greatly contributed by three major factors such as life, rocks and water.
Life has to do with small organic living things that die, decay and reach a point of stability. This product also known as humus and has an important role in improving soil structures.
Rocks, also referred to as parent material within the context of soil formation, are one of major contributors to soil development including especially the chemical contents within them.
Lastly, water has its role in chemically and physically breaking the rocks, carrying them down slope and hence depositing them, making it possible for the formation of the soils.
For this project, I am working with Ellen (Luther'14, Bio major). We will collect a bag of soil, dry it and will later analyse different materials found in it.  We will ll then construct a power point, at the end of this project, to present our findings about how soil affects the growing of grapes which in turn will be expressed in different tastes of wine.
Sparapani vineyard at Jesi terroir

Friday, September 28, 2012

Se outros calam, cantemos nós!

If others silent, we sing!
Musica husi Luis Repsesas ho titulo "TIMOR" interpreta husi grupo Tuna Universitaria do Porto!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Coimbra: sidade estudante sira nian!

01. (TETUM)
Scroll down for English version

Segunda kalan, 17 Setembro 2012

A) Neto, Au, mana Dai (liman karuk) ho bolseiru nain haat (liman los).
Wainhira hau haris hotu iha kalan ne'e, Amaro (Caisiva) mos hahu tein kalan nian! Menu ba kalan ida ne'e mak manu lalar, pepinu no etu (tein ho azeite no lis mean). Han kalan ida ne'e mesak reseita Caisiva nian deit. Hau mos hakfodak tiha tamba uluk sei SMP, Caisiva mos termasuk nakar no hau fiar nia mos anak mami ida, hehehehe! Se mak hatene anak mami ida ne'e mos agora boot ona no tein perigu! 

Han tiha manu lalar ho etu azeiti ne'e, Izaura (hau nia kolega SD) mos hahu telefone Amaro. Izaura (aka Fred iha Coimbra) mos bolseira Timor ona ne'ebe eskola iha Universidade de Coimbra (UC), fakuldade de Ekonomia (se la sala). Nia kontaktu mai Caisiva tamba bolseiru foun Timor oan sira ne'ebe mak atu hahu eskola tinan ida ne'e iha Coimbra, hetan desafiu balun kona ba sira nia inskrisaun no residensia nian. Sira foin mai husi Aveiro no laiha fatin ba sira iha kalan ne'e atu toba hodi nune'e sira bele hahu inskrisaun iha loron tuir mai (Tersa, 18 Set 2012). Alin bolseiru ne'ebe atu hahu eskola tinan ida ne'e hamutuk nain 9. Se la sala numeru total estudante hamutuk 90 maibe nain 9 mak sei eskola iha UC no sira restu esplaha iha universidade seluk iha Portugal laran. 

Hau ladun lembra didiak, maibe ami rua Caisiva ba iha Mana Dai (?) ho nia kaben nia uma. Alin bolseiru sira reuni hamutuk hotu iha ne'eba. Diskuti naruk boot ida no ikus mai sira Fred no kolega sira hotu konsegues kontaktu maluk Timor oan iha Coimbra atu lori alin balun ba deskansa lai kalan ida ne'e iha sira nia apartementu tamba Mana Dai nia apartementu labele tampung hotu sira nain 9. Ho nune'e, hau ho Amaro lori  alin bolseiru nain rua. 

Antes de ami fila ba uma, hau, Amaro, Fred, ho alin bolseiru nain rua ne'e ba iha diskoteka ho naran GULA (haree imajen iha okos ne'e). To iha ne'eba, diskoteka nakonu. Book an ituan, hau mos desidi atu hola serveja ida lai atu hamanas isin lai. Fred sujere atu halo shot maibe hau viajem kuaze loron tomak no hau lakohi ulun moras istika fali hau iha loron tuir mai. Hehehehe :P 

B) Diskoteka Gula, Coimbra (Besik iha Praca da Republica)

Kuaze uma hora madrugada, ami mos desidi fila. Iha dalan ami hahu telefone ba Au. Nia simu duni telefone maibe nia dukur los tena no lian mos todan los. Ami nia hanoin atu ba visita nia iha madrugada ne'e maibe tan nia dukur tena, entaun ami mos desidi fila ba uma.

To iha uma, ami fahe fatin atu toba. Alin bolseiru rua toba iha kolsaun anin, Amaro toba iha Rai, no hau mak toba iha kama leten tamba hau mak bainaka foun! Hehehehe, diak nian, bainaka hetan tratamentu espesial! :P 

Sei kontinua fali.....

From left to right: Caisiva, Au and I

Bacalhau lunch, super delicious!

Au and I at a restaurant in Baixo (aka Downtown) 


Monday, Sept 17th 2012

It was around 8pm when I got to Amaro's apartment. Actually, let me first introduce who is Amaro (aka Caisiva). First of all, even back before I even exist, my father  has known Caisiva's mom and dad. And so, when I was in middle school, I then came to know Caisiva as we were in the same class. In other words, he was my middle school classmate for 3 years at Canossa High School back in East Timor 9 years ago. Indeed, It has been a long time. 

Besides Caisiva, I would also meet up with Aurisio (aka Au) and Izaura (aka Fred). Au and I went to Canossa high school together and again he was my classmate. Fred, on the other hand, was my primary school classmate. God, I can't believe I met all of them in one city and abroad! I think it's pretty amazing and unexpected! Anyway, I was super stoked to meet them indeed!

Ok, now let's get back to the apartment's part. So, once I got there, I took shower while Caisiva was preparing the dinner. Once I finished shower, I then helped him with dinner prep. The menu for the night were chicken bbq Timorese style, rice cooked with olive oil and red onion and cucumber salad. To be honest, the dinner was so delicious especially the rice and the bbq chicken. The cucumber salad was not as good as the chicken and rice because maybe I made it. :p

So, once we finished the dinner, we then went to meet up with Fred. She was actually busy figuring out places for new Timorese students to stay for the night. These new students are actually starting their first year at Coimbra University (UC). They just got to Coimbra from Aveiro where they had an intense 4 months preparatory course from June till August 2012. Anyway, a little about UC. This University is one of the oldest university that is still operating and it was built by Dom Dinis, king of Portugal, at around 1200. Man, I am just super excited that I have couple classmates studying at this University.

After meeting with Fred, we then headed to club. The club is called GULA (see picture B above)The club is located very close to Praca da Republica, in Coimbra. One fun fact about the club is that there is no entrance fee and so it's almost crowded for the fact that it offers good drinks with great prices + awesome Portuguese/English music. The party night time in Coimbra is on every Tuesday and Thursday nights. So, if you wanna have fun, go on these two nights.

After partying and having fun with my friends, we then decided to visit Au. It was 1am and Fred tried to call him. Unfortunately, he was already asleep. Fred said that from his heavy/tired voice, it was very obvious that he was already falling asleep for quite sometimes. Anyway, we then headed home and I had my first night sleep in Portugal. Hehehehe, it was a great sleep!

To be continued....

Additional gallery of a video and some pictures!
Orientation activity for Caloiros or freshman students at the University of Coimbra

Aurisio & Caisiva em Forum

Na Praça da República 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Visita Portugal (Parte I)


Porto, Coimbra no Fátima

Desde ki'ik kedas, hau hakarak tebes visita Portugal. Parese tamba hau nia familia tomak mesak pro Portugal , liuliu hau nia maternal avo mae, Auria, no (sdso) pai Canelas. Alem de sira nain rua, hau nia maun ida no tiu rua mos uluk ami sei ki'ik, konsegue halo 'suaka politik' ba Portugal. Tan ne'e, Portugal sempre mosu dalabarak iha hau nia familia nia konversa hahu husi kona ba tempu kolonizasaun, hahan to ekipa nasional futebol Portugal nian.

Ho esperensia sira ne'ebe hau hasoru durante ki'ik lori hau mai to iha hau nia desijaun atu visita Portugal iha hau nia intercâmbio iha Italia ne'e. Hau halo plano desde sedu kedas, wainhira hau to iha Italia primera vez. Hau konsegue hola bilhete husi aviaun Ryanair, viajem ba-mai, ho total 95 euros. Baratu tebes!

Segunda, 17 Augusto 2012

Wainhira hau sai husi aeroporto Ciampino, Roma, hau tu'ur ho senhor ida ho nia inan, sidadaun Portugal. Ami hahu konversa no wainhira hau dehan hau husi Timor, sira mos kontenti tebes no husu hau kona ba buat barak hahu husi hau nia objetivu ba visita Portugal, hau nia estudo to situasaun iha Timor-Leste. Konversa interesante tebes. Hau senti diferente ituan atu pratika koalia hau nia portugues ho ema husi nasaun Portugal maibe esperensia ne'e lao ho diak tamba hau kuaze bele komprende sira nia portugues inkluindu saida mak kapitaun no aeromosa sira koalia no halo avisu iha aviaun nia laran.

Viajem han kauze oras 2 ho minuto 40. Aviaun finalmente aterrajem  iha aeroporto Francisco de Sá Carneiro, Porto/Portugal. Ema hotu iha aviaun laran hahu haklalak no basa liman halo hau mos hakfodak tiha. Parese, husi esperensia hau pessoal, maioria wainhira semo ho aviaun Indonesia nian ou ba Hong Kong, ema kauze nunka basa liman wanhira aviaun tun. Esperensia ida ne'e dala tolu ona. Wainhira hau semo husi Tokyo, Japaun ba Chicago, USA no husi Chicago mai Roma Italia mos ema basa liman no haklalak wainhira aviaun aterrajem.

São Bento to Rua dos Combatentes

To iha Porto, hau sae Metro husi aeroporto mai iha estasaun Trindade, no husi estasaun ne'e, troka fali komboiu hodi mai to iha estasaun São Bento. Madre Isa no maun Valenti mak mai hein hau. Sira hein desde kedas tuku 1 loraik no hau to iha tuku 3 loraik. Depois ami nain tolu hahu lao fali kuaze minuto 10 ba iha Madre Canossiana sira nia uma fatin iha Porto ne'e. Uma Conossa ne'e mos loke eskola ba labarik hahu husi bebe to iha quarto ou quinto ano karik, se la sala.

Madre Isa servi ami sumo malirin ho croissant. Ami mos hahu konversa ituan ate kolega Gabriel (bolseiru Timor oan ne'ebe halo hela nia mastrado iha Porto) mos mai hamutuk tan. Kuaze tuku 4.30 loraik, hau koko tenta ba Amaro (alias Caisiva), hau nia kolega SMP Canossa. Nia mos halimar hela iha Porto no atu fila ba Coimbra iha Segunda (17 Aug) ne'e. Entaun, ami rua kombina no konkorda atu viajem hamutuk ba iha Coimbra iha loron ne'e kedas. Ami rua sae komboiu ALFA ne'ebe ho bilhete nia folin kauze 17 euros. Karun maibe komboiu ne'e extravagante tebes! Iha komboiu ne'e, ami rua mos hasoru maun Afiku, Timor oan ne'ebe agora servisu iha UK maibe uluk hela kleur iha Portugal mos. 

Viajem kuaze oras ida ami to duni iha Coimbra! Husi estasaun komboiu, ami sai mai hein bis numero 5 atu ba iha Amaro nia apartamentu iha Rua dos Combatentes. Antes de to iha fatin destinu, kareta ida mai kose los bis ida ami sae ne'e halo kondutor bis nian saitaiadu. Sira hahu koalia no telefone ba polisia, ami mos hahu tun ona tamba parese sei han tempu naruk atu resolve asidente ida ne'e. 

Ami lao kuaze minuto 20 nia laran no ikus mai to iha apartementu no maun ida naran Alo mak loke odamatan mai ami. Isin kole los maibe hau desidi ba liu haris atu refreska an. 

To'o iha ne'e lai depois mak hau sei hakerek tan kona ba hau nia visita ba Portugal.
Video iha karaik ne'e hau hasai husi janela apartementu Amaro nian. Nota katak iha liman los ne'e maka Igreja Sao Jose ho estadio EFAPEL sidade Coimbra nian. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Back in Rome


Yes, I'm back in Rome! Took TrenItalia from Castelplanio-Cupramontana to Rome Termini with Josh, Anderson and Phil. We arrived in Rome around noon. Phil went off to get his ticket to his next destination, Josh and Anderson went for apartment hunting where their friends are staying. Whereas, I went to check where in termini the Terravision bus park. I am taking this bus tomorrow from termini to Ciampino Airport. It's the easiest and cheapest way to travel to both airports in Rome from termini.

Anyway, since I'm in Rome for a day, I too booked a hostel. In my previous visits to Rome, I usually stayed in Alessandro Downtown Hostel. Since I tried to book a night before my departure to Rome, Alessandro was full. So I booked Freedom Travelers Hostel instead. I guess both are almost the same except FT offers a light snack in the morning for free (who does not want a free cappuccino in the morning? hehehe).
Once I checked-in into the hostel, I then decide to take a walk around Rome, 'la città del romanticismo.'

My first destination was the Fontana del Tritone. It's located in the Barberini Square (Piazza Barberini). And fyi, the Embassy of the US to Italy in Rome is located very nearby. Anyway, I don't know much about this fountain but the FT hostel suggested I should visit the place. :p
Fontana del Tritone

My second destination was the Trinità dei Monti (aka The Spanish Steps). It is known as the widest staircase in Europe and has a total of 138 steps. Below the Spanish steps, there is a famous water fountain in the shape of an old boat aka Fontana della Barcaccia. These two spots are usually crowded with people. You can see couples sitting on the stairs, having good times; groups of people chatting and laughing everywhere; a crowd encircled the fountain where some were trying to take picture while some other were trying to fill their water bottles with the water from the fountain.
The Spanish Steps

The third destination was the Piazza del Popolo or People's Square. What interest me most about this square is because it used to be the starting point of the Via Flaminia. Via Flaminia is basically an ancient road (built around 200 BC) that connects Rome to the Adriatic sea cutting across the Northeast Apennines. Since I spent almost the first two weeks studying the geological formation of the Apennines in that region, I particularly have seen some of the ruins, such as the road and bridge of the Via Flaminia while in fields. So, I thought it's worth to visit and share a little bit about this famous ancient road that has played important roles in the development of the city of Rome.

Continuiamo! From the piazza, I then decided to walk back. Since I was very close to the Tevere river, I felt like walk across the Margherita bridge, took the stairs down and walked along the river. Felt like I was in East Timor, walking along the Malao river. Anyway, before reaching the hostel, I stop at another two more tourist attraction spots. They were the Piazza Colona and Fontana di Trevi. Again ,crowded with people. In fact, it was really hard to move around in the Piazza di Trevi.
From what I know, Fontana (Piazza) di Trevi (see video below) is one of famous fountain in the world and people believe that if you throw a coin into the fountain, you'll definitely come back to visit Rome again! Well, I guess I just missed my chance to come back to room cos I didn't have coin while I was there.Too bad!

So, I concluded my exploration of the city with Sunday Mass celebration at the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri. The Mass was celebrated in Spanish, and it was my first time to participate a mass in Spanish.

Guess that's it for now. Im so exhausted right now, gotta go to bed cos I'm leaving to Portugal tomorrow. :D
Ate depois!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Break


Super excited for my fall break that will start in two days (September 16th). The reason is because I will first enjoy Rome again. Them my next destination will be Portugal. The places or cities I am planning to visit are Porto, Coimbra, Fatima and hopefully Lisbon too. In Porto, I will meet up with Madres Canossianas from East Timor including Madre Isa. I will stay with two Timorese students who curretnly studying in Porto (Gabriel and Valente).

From Porto, I will hopefully take Rede Expresso to Coimbra, The third biggest city in Portugal. It's one and a half hour down south from Porto (and North of Lisbon). In Coimbra, I will meet up with Amaro and Aurisio, my high school classmates. Then, while in Coimbra I am hoping to visit Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Fátima, Portugal.
Anyway, That's my plan and hopefully things will work out as I am hoping!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

¡Desde Dolomitas!


Agri Alm restaurante en Passo Sella.

Bueno, no he escrito en español en mucho tiempo. Por eso, siento que es necesario escribir en español como un medio de practicarlo.Como usual en esta semana, aquí en Dolomitas, empezamos nuestras actividades con el desayuno. No sé cómo expresarlo bien pero, como los estadounidenses dicen, “muy pesado”, verdaderamente fue un desayuno muy pesado. 
Personalmente, la parte principal en el desayuno es el capuchino. El capuchino de Italia es increíble. Totalmente necesito una cafeína para refrescar mi cuerpo antes empezar mi actividad intensiva. 

Por lo tanto, fuimos a hacer senderismo a un rio en Posso Sella con el objetivo de identificar un roca de fondo particular, llamada “La Valle”, y como se formó. Para resumir, aprendí que “turbidite” fue responsable a formar esta roca de fondo. El turbidite es una corriente fuerte de agua que trajo materiales al fondo del mar e después, con los otros mecanismos geología, transformaron los materiales a este roca de fondo.  

Después de todas las complicaciones en identificar “la valle”, fuimos a almuerzo en un restaurante cerca del rio. El restaurante se llama Agri Alm. Pedimos Polenta con setas y salchichas. Honestamente, la comida fue muy deliciosa y rica. 
Eso es, chao.

y este es mi plato, polenta con setas y carne de vaca

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Un sacco in september



Marmolada of the Dolomites, Trentino/Italy
Indeed, today we remember the terrorist attack occurred 11 years ago that devastated the World Trade Center and killed many people. In fact, today is the day where I hiked to Marmolada, the highest mountain of the Dolomites (10,968ft). It is located east of Trentino, an autonomous region in Northern Italy. One of the interesting thing about the region is that people here do not only speak Italian, but German and Ladin too. When travelling around, we can see that most of the signs are in Italian, German and Ladin. Looking from the buildings in towns around the Dolomites, I personally feel like I am in either Norway or Switzerland. I haven't been to either of these countries but of course TV and Internet nowadays contribute a lot to my mental pictures of the countries. The green grasses, cows that wear bells on their necks and the buildings make these tourist towns to be very different than those in Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and Marche. 

Anyway, I don't know how many Timorese have hiked this mountain (if ever) but I was very happy to be on top of Marmolada. Even though I didn't bring the Timor-Leste Flag, I actually did write a note to Timor-Leste on top of Marmolada. Check out the picture below!
@ Marmolada, the highest peak of the Dolomites.
Overall, I am learning a lot about the formation of the Dolomites but to summarize it, the supercontinent cycle initiates the unique formation of the Dolomites; the ice age cycle, especially the last ice age is the innovator that has changed the look of the Dolomites; and human together with the global climate change have their own interest that further alters the outlook of the Dolomites.


9 de Setembro

Tebes, tinan sanulu resin ida liu ba iha loron ida ne'e, terorista ataka, resulta oho ema no estraga sasan iha Nova Yorke, EUA. Iha loron ida ohin mos hau ho primera vez sae ba foho ida ne'ebe as liu foho dolomites sira seluk iha Italia. Foho ne'e naran Marmolada no lokaliza iha Rejiuan Trentino (Norte Italia, fronteira ho Austria). Nia as maka metru 3.343, se halo komparasaun, Ramelau nia as maka metru 2.986.

Hau la hatene los Timor oan nain hira mak sae ona ba foho tutun ne'e, maibe hau pessoalmente kontenti tebes sae to iha foho Marmolada ne'e. Maske hau la lori Bandera Timor-Leste nian, hau konsegue halo nota ida ba Timor iha foho Marmolada ne'e. Hein deit, depois mak hau update foto ne'ebe hau hasai iha foho ne'e. Ema husi nasaun barak mai sae ba foho tutun ne'e hanesan husi EUA, Alemanha, Austria, Switzerland, Japaun, etc. Ida ne'e halo hau senti orgulho liu tan atu halo estudu iha foho ne'e liliu bele representa Rai Timor iha foho ne'e. 
Marmolada, Dolomites,
ho Domin ba Timor-Leste
F. Neto"

Em jeral, hau aprende buat barak, geolojikamente, durante hau nia tempo iha foho Dolomites ne'e. Maibe iha mos situasaun no notisia sira ne'ebe halo hau nia laran taridu. Situsaun ida uluk mak hau labele skype ho Pai no Mae iha Timor tamba tempu fahe iha hau nia programa ida ne'e halo hau okupadu liu. Lor-loron, husi tuku 8 dader to tuku 5 loraik, hau passa tempu iha lapangan halo analiza geolojikamente ba formasaun fatuk no foho. Fila mai kemping fatin, isin kole par mate no dalaruma internet mos error tiha. 

Iha parte notisia, hau rona husi hau nia kolega besik balun kona ba desafius ne'ebe sira hasoru. Hau nia kolega Indonesia ida agora dadauk iha dalan atu fila ba Lombok husi Connecticut tamba nia maun moras todan. Kolega seluk iha problema ho saude no universidade. Hau, husi parte seluk, iha mos desafius ituan atu adapta ho enviromentu ema no natureza nian. Maibe ida ne'e buat ida ne'ebe mak hau fiar hau sei bele domina ho tempu.