Saturday, September 14, 2013

Senior Year, Tinan Ikus

Below are some pictures that highlighted the beginning of my senior year, here at Luther College, in Decorah/Iowa. See the description below each picture.

Fall 2013 Convocation in Center for Faith and Life/CFL, Luther College. 

Walk to Church with the Campus pastors, President and Mrs. Tiede to
 mark the first Sunday service on campus.

The International and Multicultural Students, Fall 2013. This was taken in
September 11, right after our annual welcoming dinner.

Photo taken with Jon Lund, Executive Director, Center for
Global Learning and International Admission.
(Credit goes to Nadia)

UWC alumni @ Luther College posed for a group picture after
the Peace/UWC day flashmob, September 21st 2013.

Credit: Photo Bureau, Luther College

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Visita Portugal (Parte II)

Foto hasai iha Coimbra no Fatima, Portugal (2012). Objectivo husi viajem ne'e hodi halao visita ba mestra Canossa, Madre Isa Soares iha Porto no belun eskola primaria (Frederica), ensino pre-secundaria (Amaro) no belun ensino secundaria (Aurisio) iha Coimbra.

These pictures were taken in Coimbra and Fatima, Portugal (2012). The objective of the trip was to visit a teacher of mine from Canossa school, sister Isa Soares in Porto; a primary school classmate (Frederica); a middle school classmate (Amaro); and a high school classmate (Aurisio) in Coimbra. I had a good time there!

Visita Portugal (Parte I)

Bilhete bis nian/Bus ticket

Bacalhau ba almoso/Cod fish for lunch

Italy has Gelato, Portugal has Gelado

the Mondengo River, Coimbra

Passa kalan iha Praça da República
Enjoying the night life at the Republic Square

Ho Amaro iha Praça da República
With Amaro at the Republic Square

Fatima, Portugal

Basilica of Most Holy Trinity, Fatima

In front of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Aurisio, Neto and Fred

Aurisio, Neto, Fred and Amaro

At the University of Coimbra

With Fred, at the University of Coimbra

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Reunião pré-JMJ, Pre-WYD gathering

Maria ABG deside atu halo nia reunião pré-JMJ iha Decorah, Iowa hamutuk ho belun estudante Timor oan sira iha Luther College. Ami fiar katak ami hotu sei iha nia orasaun wainhira nia halao nia peregrinasaun no sorumutuk iha Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nai nia tulun ba ita hotu!

(JMJ: Jornada Mundial da Juventude)